The past years proved that online work is here to stay and that people and companies choose to go digital and remote when possible. When using technology, it becomes important to secure yourself. One useful piece of advice is to use a virtual private network.
Do you want to know if a VPN is the right choice for you? We’ll evaluate the pros and cons of using this kind of service so you can evaluate whether it’s a good idea for you, depending on your needs.
What is a VPN?
Before moving on to the specific characteristics of a VPN you need to understand what it is. A VPN encrypts the connection between your devices and the internet, protecting your data from possible threats.
You must consider your online safety when traveling abroad, using public wi-fi, or just doing home office. Shockingly, 90% of people admitted to being involved in risky activities while traveling. That’s an example of when a VPN could help you guard your private information.
Pros of Using a VPN
Improved Privacy
In the digital age, privacy online is almost impossible. Every app, website, and tool you use online probably knows tons of data from you. We’ll be honest with you: a VPN can help you gain privacy and secure your data, but it cannot guarantee 100% anonymity.
Your ISP (Internet Service Provider) and some of the world’s most used tools can watch almost every action you do online. Data security is becoming more important daily for service providers, but keeping safe is still very hard. When you use a VPN, it becomes much harder to track your activity, thanks to encryption and IP services.
Global Access
If you are an adventurer and have traveled the globe, you must know that some countries and regions have limited access to certain websites and information.
Either for commercial or political reasons, you might notice that many apps and websites are blocked in other countries. For example, some YouTube videos are not accessible from specific locations, but with a VPN, you can watch them online from anywhere if you need to.
A VPN can help with this too, an encrypted IP will allow you to avoid regional limits and access even blocked websites and apps. Not only this, but the VPN will still secure your information and credentials while logging in or doing financial transactions when abroad.
Remember that VPNs are not meant to justify or encourage illegal behavior. You will be held accountable for your actions if you get in trouble. Let’s be smart and decent when using a VPN.
Protection of Public Wi-Fis and Unfriendly Environments
Sometimes it is inevitable to access public wifis, but these may come as a threat, especially if you are in an unknown place. Open Wi-Fi hotspots are one of the favorite places for hackers to attack, and your data can easily be corrupted in that situation.

A VPN is perfect for this scenario because it will encrypt your data and make it harder for criminals to access your devices. Remember, all devices can be corrupted when using public Wi-Fi, not only computers. Using a VPN on your mobile phone is not a bad idea, especially if you do important transactions from there.
Protecting Your Data
Overall, the main Pro of using a VPN is keeping your data protected. Don’t forget that when you use the internet, your information travels between many services. Everything you send, create, and do online is open to anyone, especially if you don’t take any measures. The online world could be scary.
The best part about all this is that if you are concerned about your VPN provider tracking your information, there are options to prevent that. A zero-log VPN doesn’t keep records of your private data, providing extra privacy. This means that even if your VPN provider is asked at any point to handle information about you, they won’t be able to do it.
Cons of Using a VPN
Possible Internet Speed Reduction
A VPN can indeed slow down your internet speed. That makes sense if you think about it, your data needs to go through an extra encryption and routing process.
You should be fine anyway and probably won’t even notice the speed change; it can be imperceptible in some cases, especially when not handling big amounts of data like tons of videos or high-resolution images. Additionally, understanding the benefits of using social login providers can help in managing secure access without compromising speed, as social logins often streamline the authentication process.
Service Cost
To avoid possible cons in the VPN service, you should hire the services of a reliable company. Premium VPN providers often offer better performance and security for a fair price. Of course, you can investigate all the providers you want and compare prices if you are on a budget. The good news is that there exist many good options you can rely on.
Using Free VPNs Can Be Dangerous
When searching for a good VPN provider you will find many free options. Most of them are unfortunately not safe enough. They are likely to sell your data to companies for advertisement and won’t assure security.

They can be good for accessing blocked content from foreign countries, but their security is not of the best quality. Plus, due to poor structure, they will probably slow your connection.
Incompatibility with some Devices
Most devices will accept a VPN, but others might not adapt to them. Computers, tablets, and mobile phones are usually okay when using a VPN.
The most problematic devices usually are TVS and gaming consoles. Some of the newer VPNs have a specific solution for TVs. Otherwise, you can install your VPN directly on your router and contact your VPN provider and ask for help; they will surely step up and give you a hand.
Is VPN Good Enough, Then?
Before making a decision, evaluate your needs and possibilities. You might find that VPN service providers offer different options for different requirements. Whether you want to use a VPN for a company or private use, you can profit from this tool.
So far, in 2024, there have been over 35 billion known breach incidents globally. Security has become a must-have for everyone using the internet nowadays if they want to ensure their private information is safe. In the end, choosing to use a VPN is a personal decision, but hopefully, this article can help you decide.