
How to Block Mind-Reading Technology and Protect Your Thoughts

Have you ever felt like your devices are “reading your mind”?

Let’s say you’re thinking about pizza. A few minutes later, you’re scrolling on your phone and get bombarded with pizza ads. How is that possible?

The issue gets even worse depending on the case. When playing at 777Bet, for example, you wouldn’t want someone else to read your thoughts and use that in their favor, right?

Mind-reading technology is weirder than we thought. It’s not being explicitly advertised, but we’re certain that some form of it exists.

This “technology” seems scarier than it actually is, but don’t worry; there are a few ways to protect yourself from it. Even though it’s complicated to tell whether someone or something is trying to read your mind, you can take some steps to ensure no one can do it.

Why Is It Important to Be Aware of Mind-Reading Technology?

Mind reading looks like something you would only see in sci-fi movies a few years ago. Unfortunately, as technology evolves, this becomes much more feasible.

Being able to gather and interpret someone’s thoughts sounds crazy, but it doesn’t seem to be impossible.

There are many devices and technologies used to “read” minds. These devices use machine learning, algorithms, neuroscience, and more to decode brain signals. This can also help translate these signals into valuable information.

Whether the devices use sensors or electrodes to discern your thoughts, the process may seem invasive. Let’s look at some common systems used to record brainwaves:

●Electroencephalography (EGG): An EGG uses electrodes attached to your scalp to measure electrical activity in your brain.

●Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI): It measures brain activity by detecting variations in your blood flow.

●Brain-Computer Interface (BCI): This emerging technology may enable direct communication between your brain and another device.

How to Protect Your Mind and Thoughts from Mind-Reading Tech

Now that you know the basics of mind-reading technology, let’s look at some of the most efficient methods to protect yourself from it.

Remember, these may not be 100% effective all the time, as there’s no way of determining whether someone is trying to read your mind as of today.

Still, these methods can give you enough peace of mind whether you’re at home or outside, and that’s more than enough.

Faraday Cages

You may have heard of Faraday cages at least once. These are protective containers meant to block electromagnetic radiation.


If you work with several electronic devices like a smartphone, tablet, and laptop, you could store them in this box.

What if you don’t know where to get a Faraday box? Make one!

Look for a box and wrap it in wire mesh and aluminum foil. This should be enough to block different “mind-reading” waves.

Even if you don’t have aluminum, you can use any conductive material to wrap the box, such as steel or a metal trash can.

Faraday cages are common in different areas like airports, courts, and hospitals, as they protect computers and sensors from outside interference. They work in those scenarios, so this might be an excellent method for you, too.

Shielding Materials

If you’re worried about your body or any part of your home receiving electromagnetic waves, you can also take physical measures to create a barrier. There are many materials, such as special fabrics, meshes, and foils.

As with the previous measure, you can take the material of your preference and wrap it around the object or room you want. This will keep your thoughts away from anything that might be trying to get them.

EMF Protection Devices

EMFs do a great job of shielding stuff against electromagnetic radiation, so they could work as blockers for mind-reading technology.

There are many objects to consider as EMFs, including bracelets, pendants, and stickers. Once they’re applied, they will neutralize or redirect EMF emissions.

The best part about these devices is that they can be easily installed anywhere, and they’re non-invasive materials. In other words, you can protect your privacy without taking extreme measures.

Mindfulness and Meditation

Mindfulness involves being present at the moment. This allows you to focus and have better control over your emotions and thoughts.

When you’re more aware of what’s happening around you, you can detect intrusive thoughts, which can help you determine whether external influences are trying to affect your mind.

Meditation, by itself, won’t block mind-reading technology, but it will help you improve your focus.

Limited Exposure to Electronics

While most of the measures you’ll take come from external sources, you can also do internal work to minimize your exposure. When you’re mindful of the devices you use daily, you can keep a healthy balance between your digital and analog life.

Make sure to note down all the devices you use, and if possible, read their privacy policies and data collection measures. This will give you an idea of whether these devices are good for you.

When you start lowering your exposure to these materials, you also reduce the chance of getting your mind read by any of them.


Meditation will help you during these times, as stripping yourself away from certain devices won’t be easy at first.

Use Encryption When Communicating

Most people use digital communication to talk to people worldwide, so it’s hard to simply stop using these channels.

Even if it’s impossible to stop using digital channels to communicate, you can use different tools to make the process safer. Try to incorporate encryption in your conversations.

Encryption scrambles all your messages and renders them useless to anyone from the outside. When you encrypt your digital communication, you reduce the risk of anything trying to intercept your thoughts.

Bottom Line

The idea of someone being able to read our thoughts isn’t pleasing at all. By taking the measures we mentioned above, you’ll have a better chance of protecting yourself against these risks.

We never know how technology will evolve over the following years, so why not be prepared for different scenarios? Be more careful with your relationship with technology, and you’ll have a much easier time preventing anyone from reading you.