Alton Friedrich

McDonald’s Forges a Path for Fast Food into The Metaverse (And Beyond)

Once a niche concept hailed by technophiles, the metaverse is growing and could become mainstream, offering a new way to experience and navigate digital worlds. People log between 5 hours or more a week (or more) in virtual spaces for work, shopping, education, social, entertainment, etc., and many companies are betting on this new universe,

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The Impact of AI on Logistics: Revolutionizing the Supply Chain

The logistics industry has been seeing a meaningful changeover, driven by advancements in technology and the rising claim for effectiveness and speed. One of the most impressive technologies in this sector is artificial intelligence (AI). From forecasting demand to optimizing passes and managing inventories, AI is revolutionizing logistics operations. Central to the successful achievement of

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Safeguarding Digital Information: Modern Strategies for Data Protection

Protecting information has become crucial as businesses and daily life become more digital. Every day, people and businesses face risks to their data. This article explores current methods for keeping digital information safe. We’ll look at why these methods matter and how they work. Building Digital Walls Imagine a castle with solid walls. In the

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How Artificial Intelligence is Changing the Game of Sports Betting

The world of online sports betting has seen tremendous growth in recent years. With more sportsbooks launching websites like Ladbrokes and mobile apps, bettors have access to odds and lines on every sport imaginable. However, navigating these options can be complex for the average fan trying to beat the odds. This is where artificial intelligence comes

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